Vocational Assessment
Let VCB help you decide what career path is right for you! Through a series of conversations, quizzes, and skill demonstrations, a VCB Vocational Professional will help you explore potential careers and identify what might be right with your interests, education, and experience.
Situational Assessment
Once you know what type of employment is right for you, a situational assessment gives you a real opportunity to do related job tasks to help identify any barriers which might keep you from successfully reaching your goals. This service offers our clients hands-on work experiences observed by a vocational professional so that VCB can work with you to set up a clear plan to being successful in your intended career path.
Employment Services
In this four step program, VCB helps our clients with their final preparations for work. All clients entering this program must have a clear vocational goal and should apply, similar to how you will apply for your job. We begin with an interview to establish how ready a client is to really dig into the application process. A series of short employment preparation courses are conducted by your Employment Specialist before we move to job development, helping you find, apply and interview for work in your chosen field. Once you find that perfect job, VCB will work collaboratively with you over the first 90 days of your employment, making sure that you have a friend to turn to as issues, concerns, or barriers arise.
Thank You!
Focusing on improving and enhancing the lives of people with vision loss. We thank you for every dollar donated.